Who we are
Vox Tutum is Latin for Safe Voice. We simply help you take the right professional decisions. Our aim is to lend a trusted voice to our customers on three fronts: Workforce solutions for the best C-Level and Middle-Management in Asia. Provide top notch Management Consultancy and troubleshooting on any corporate opportunity. Training opportunities both at Corporate and Individual levels, with flexible rates based upon booking in advance to get the best deals.
Workforce Solutions: Taylor-made for both Job Seekers and Corporate needs. We’ve eager candidates from all walks of life, mainly top-mid professionals who can positively impact the future of any business.
Management Consulting: We’ve have honed and grown a network of professionals with a huge and important experience within their fields.
Individual or Corporate Training: whatever are customer needs, either Recruiting or Consulting or Corporate and Individual Development, We’re here to back you up!
Vox Tutum is based in Jakarta; although recently founded, its founder and staff have had many years of local and international experience in most industrial sectors, ranging from Automotive, Supply Chain, IT and all the way to the new industries such as Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thanks to this blend of Experience in Consulting, Training in the field and Top Recruitment skills, Vox Tutum has already taken a giant leap in becoming one of the best Recruiter and Consultant Teams in town.
Although Vox Tutum is based in Indonesia, we also cater for other Asian countries and beyoind. We’ve had contacts from companies all over the APAC Region, Europe and USA. Yet, our Indonesian candidates have also been fighting to get recognition out of their country.

We’ve also been catering for Expats needs in Indonesia. Many new international companies wish to set up their business in Indonesia, thus triggering many opportunities for both Indonesian and foreign professionals.
Indonesian professionals, today, are a force to be reckoned with, the level of schooling and international experience of many Indonesian repatriates has been growing relentlessly.
Recruiting, Training and Corporate Consulting fronts, these are our three main pillars. Vox Tutum strive together to troubleshoot and even expand people’s desires. At Corporate Level, our hands-on approach on metrics and KPIs helps us to Recruit the best candidates for any corporate needs. The other side of the coin is the Consulting. Some Companies who have asked help on Recruitment have also asked Vox Tutum to help them expand an idea, strategize on a business development plan, reduce Costs, solve any excruciating dilemma.